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Disclaimer: WDA Telegram news channel represents a diverse ran | World Doctors Alliance

Disclaimer: WDA Telegram news channel represents a diverse range of opinions of health care professionals and current events and does not have a consensus of opinions on the origin of covid-19 or the political ramifications of lockdowns per se. Nor does the sharing of articles or videos represent a collective opinion. We value free speech and the values of doing no harm.

WDA is however committed to debate the causes of harm resulting from the coronavirus act measures and to raise issues that expose harmful medical and life limiting practices detrimental to the well being of all living men women and children.

There are occasions that content shared may highlight the issues we are facing in terms of source disinformation or misinformation. Please use your discernment and follow your intuition.

We do not endorse or promote individuals or their behaviour. Articles shared on this channel are for news worthiness and information.