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Australian Sovereignty Alliance

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Logo of telegram channel australiansovereigntyalliance — Australian Sovereignty Alliance
Categories: Politics
Language: English
Subscribers: 3.06K
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We are an Australian Nationalist movement.

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2021-09-10 03:06:44
I have been researching survival tips and I have some important information that I’ve just learned... one of my most disliked weeds, Cobblers Pegs, is in fact not a weed...

They can be eaten raw and are high in chlorophyll, vit c, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. They also help kill the bacteria that our mouth creates when digesting sugars and other energies from food. So you could chew on these after you eat to potentially reduce tooth decay among a huge range of other health benefits including assisting with allergies, scurvy, liver diseases, candida and urinary infections.

This has been Survival Tips with Sam.

Not pictured: me picking off 71584927 cobblers pegs & eventually trying a leaf. Bitter, but not totally distasteful.

This is to remind you that today, amongst the craziness, the stress and the information overload, focus on what you can do right where you are.
229 views00:06
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2021-09-09 11:59:55 Welcome to communist Australia.

How quickly free people forget the price of freedom.

Have you seen the new NSW rules for society:

“Only fully vaccinated people and those with medical exemptions will have access to the freedoms allowed.”

I honestly have no words. If you seriously think the above sentence is acceptable in ANY WAY, you will forever be a stranger to me.

Some of the “freedoms” allowed for your compliance to this dictatorship:

Gatherings in the home and public spaces.
But ONLY up to five visitors allowed in a home where all adults are vaccinated and ONLY up to 20 in outdoor settings.

Retail stores can reopen under the one person per 4sqm rule, but un-compliant people will continue to only be able to access critical retail.

Only up to 50 guests can attend weddings & funerals, with eating and drinking only while seated.

Churches and places of worship may open subject to one person per 4sqm rule, with no singing. NO SINGING!

Carpooling will be permitted, peasants.

Non-vaccinated young people aged under 16 will be able to access all outdoor settings but will only be able to visit indoor venues with members of their household. (Um... helloooo, blackmailing children? ...anyone?)

Masks will remain mandatory for all indoor public venues, including public transport, front-of-house hospitality, retail and business premises, on planes and at airports. BECAUSE VACCINES DON’T ACTUALLY WORK! It’s not about “health” though, remember, it’s about compliance.

NSW and Victoria, with QLD not far behind, are leading Australia into a privitised, communist takeover. This is a global psychological war that has been planned for centuries.

Your compliance might feel like the easiest solution right now in your current situation, but you won’t think so when every moment of your day and every choice you make is monitored and dictated to by your slave masters.

Our ancestors fought, bled and died fighting for freedom, so make no mistake, your compliance makes you a coward.
897 views08:59
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2021-09-09 11:59:54
415 views08:59
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2021-09-08 02:25:42 Psychological warfare: the use of propaganda, threats, and other psychological techniques to mislead, intimidate, demoralize, or otherwise influence the thinking or behavior of an opponent.

“One hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the most skilful.
Subduing the other’s military without battle is the most skilful.” - Sun Tzu, 500 B.C, the Art of Warfare

Something militaries around the world are trained in, including the Australian military:

And what governments around the world are using on their people today, because they’ve sold their souls to a bigger agenda and a darker enemy.

The level of psyop operations happening in Australia is beyond what any of us could even comprehend. They’ve had centuries to set this up, study us, plant their people. The level of indoctrination and subversion of our societies, media, education systems and healthcare systems has never been seen before in known history. And this is exasperated by technology.

Not just in Australia, but worldwide.

They know exactly how we are going to react to any situation they put us through. They know what leaders on all sides to place where, what to say and how to direct masses through time wasting events. They know how to wear people down through emotional turmoil, false flags, dangling the carrot stick, blackmail, coercion and burning energy on things that are ultimately futile.

Order out of chaos.

That is why they want to rile people up. Making us desperate. Unhinged. Lockdowns, face coverings, forced quarantining of healthy people, business closures, suicides, double standards, constantly changing rules, drama and the constant removal of basic human rights. All to push us into despair and ultimately drive our nations in chaos so they can bring in their privitised global agenda.

How do we combat an enemy that has this much control over, not just the entirety of the world, but our own personal thoughts and reactions?

Disengage completely. They are able to manipulate the people, because we are allowing them to. Disengage. Step back. Rebuild our strength. Our strength is with our people. Our communities. That is why they have worked so hard to divide us and exhaust us, so we can no longer work together to organise.

An organised people standing for their nation is their greatest enemy, for they know that we are more than they, but they also know that we lack organisation. We lack the ability to even feed and provide for ourselves. All they need to do to subdue us is to remove our ability to purchase basic survival needs.

So this is where we must begin.

We are standing in the trenches together, shoulder to shoulder. We, the people, need to now come together.

If you’ve read the Art of War, then you know we need to be using the same tactics they use on us.
1.4K views23:25
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2021-09-07 12:13:14
More than 45 countries know something is wrong and are making some noise about it.

We were not born to live under the thumb of oppression. We were not born to be bought and sold like cattle by greedy men with god-complexes. We were born as free, living men and women into a system of slavery and it is up to us to take back the freedom we were tricked into signing over.

Nations and people have been ruled over by the biggest force for as long as life itself. This ends when enough of us stand up and say no more.

No more corruption.

No more psychological warfare.

No more communistic and Marxist’s ideology.

No more global agenda.

No more oppression.

They’ve engineered division all through our societies. Men vs women, black vs white... because they know if we become united and organised, they wouldn’t stand a chance.

So build your communities, stand with your people, have each other’s backs and heal the division they have infected us with - the real virus.

United we stand, divided we fall.
408 views09:13
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2021-09-07 05:37:05
Symbolism will be their downfall.

Have you watched “Europa: the Last Battle” yet? It’s all linked on the homepage of our website:
465 views02:37
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2021-09-06 01:11:24
If you really want your freedom back, it starts when we turn away from this corrupt, slave system they’ve had us trapped in for centuries. They don’t care what you think, they will keep going until everyone is so worn down, we all give up. We are already seeing this, because people no longer have community surrounding them and giving them strength like we once have. They’ve been engineering division for many years for this reason.

That’s why ASA’s immediate goal is connecting communities together and empowering them to work towards securing their own resources.

The people need to start taking their power back, everything else is a distraction.

Please also note: yes, I know that we need to be rid of cash, that is a long term plan, but it is not viable right now. Not until we have more people, more resources and more skills on board so that people can actually purchase basic survival needs without fiat currency.
258 views22:11
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2021-09-05 00:52:06
38 views21:52
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2021-09-05 00:48:50
Brain control through gene editing.

According to Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum & the Great Reset, and scientists around the world, remote brain control is the ultimate scientific discovery and something they have been able to achieve through gene edited.

This technology is called CRISPR.

It was designed by a bio hacker by the name of Aaron Traywick, though you’ll be hard pressed to find information on that, because they killed him and took his research.

Though they’ve tried to hide it, CRISPR technology is used for the Covid19 vaccines:

Global control of the earth has been centuries of planning, killing and controlling humanity. Brain control makes their goals much easier.

We have a responsibility to defend and protect the sacredness of our human biology. Our genes are the codes to humanity and just as they erase history, they seek to erase the foundation of who we are as the human race.

This is the Forth Industrial Revolution.
45 views21:48
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2021-09-04 01:53:52 Last year I poured through legislation trying to work out if we, as the people, had any leg to stand on, any way to protect our rights.

I thought I found some loopholes we could use, but the more I looked, the more I realised that it was futile. Law is not written to protect our rights. The government is not enlisted to protect its people.

They change the rules like they change their underwear.

The Australian government is about to pass new law that gives them the power to give group directives, rather than individual directives. Not that they abided by that law anyway (link below so you can check it out for yourself).

We live in a feudal system: a slave system. This system has been in power for centuries and it includes Common Law, the Queen’s Law - which is same system, whether people want to admit that or not. This destruction of human rights goes back to Magna Carter, which was a privatisation deal between the Barons and the King at the time. And even further than that.

If you go back through history, this global agenda, hiding in plain sight through intellectual trickery, has been hard at work for a long, long time.

“...the number of slaves, instead of being diminished by the war, has been greatly increased; for a man, thus subjected to a government that he does not want, is a slave. And there is no difference, in principle - but only in degree - between political and chattel slavery. The former, no less than the latter, denies a man’s ownership of himself and the products of his labor; and asserts that other men may own him, and dispose of him and his property, for their uses, and at their pleasure”. - Lysander Spooner, No Treason

This is why it’s futile. A system of oppression, a fuedal system, is not designed to protect the rights of the people. It is designed to keep us assuming we have rights, to keep us compliant and busy feeding the system that we are slaves of.

This is why we no longer waste our time trying to fight a corrupt system of slavery.

People and nations have been ruled over by the biggest force for all of history, we are no different. The biggest force right now is the global agenda who control our government and we, the slaves, don’t win in a system designed to keep us slaves.

We have been indoctrinated to believe these systems of control are the only way for humanity to live, but this is false.

They are currently drowning us in information and futile missions that keep us distracted from what we, the people, need to be doing.

This is why our focus is our people, our communities and building back our strength as the people of this nation. Until that happens, we have nothing to stand on.
75 views22:53
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