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Australian Sovereignty Alliance

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Logo of telegram channel australiansovereigntyalliance ā€” Australian Sovereignty Alliance
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Language: English
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We are an Australian Nationalist movement.

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2021-09-01 13:47:31 A lot of us are feeling really high strung at the moment. I know I am. And it impacts everything, relationships, coping abilities, right down to your literal cells. The foundation of your entire body.

Something to keep in mind is that everything happening at the moment is designed to drive fear and stress into you and stress is one of the leading causes of disease (dis-ease). You are far, far more likely to die of stress than anything else.

SO. Letā€™s talk about stress management.

I used to run stress management groups before all this shit, so I had written this a while ago and adapted it for now:

Weā€™re also planning on getting an ASA team of health & wellness experts to help people get on track. We have the first project underway now.

More than ever we need to be focusing on where our stress level is sitting and incorporate basic habits that help to manage it.

Healthy people are powerful people and we desperately need some powerful people now, am I right!

Sending love and courage.
486 views10:47
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2021-08-31 11:52:30 Last week I shared my concerns about the hype around the truckie blockade, trying to warn people about the potential escalation of division.

I suggested that the idea of it was being hijacked and used against us and was attacked for it... but thatā€™s fine. Everyone is high strung, stressed, angry... itā€™s all exactly what they planned.

Yesterday and today Iā€™ve seen post after comment after post with everyoneā€™s mixed reactions and more division and blame casting than anyone can poke a stick at. Over the last year Iā€™ve witnessed leaders attack leaders, hijack their events, argue over who should lead what, whoā€™s better than who.

I stood in the QLD state election last year and let me tell you, the same politics, corruption, agendas, egos and childish games wreaking havoc in our parliament are also wreaking havoc within the ā€œfreedom movementā€ and among these leaders everyone loves to follow.

I get so many people asking me why there are so many groups and that we need to unite and mate, trust me, I know, thatā€™s why we have have ā€œunited we stand, divided we fallā€ around our ASA symbol. But let me tell you something no one wants to hear.

Wars are never won easily and this war is waged on a psychological level.

This is something I have repeated over and over, but I donā€™t think people truly grasp the extent of it.

Iā€™m not just referring to fear propaganda, fake news or institutional indoctrination.

Everything they do and say has a been analysed and planned for human responses. They KNOW how you are going to react to certain things. They KNOW what kind of people to plant within a movement to divide and lead groups on a wild goose chase. The KNOW the kinds of movements to create to distract and keep people busy doing things that eventually achieve nothing.

They KNOW exactly how to create responses that will seem legitimate to us, but in fact pushes their agenda further.

They KNOW that the more emotional they make people, the more exhausted we become and the move divisive and the more compliant. All they need is enough of us lost, confused, angry, stressed and at breaking point.

Everyone is looking around for some kind of dramatic, intellectual answer.

No one is looking where they need to.

Your HEALTH is one of the most important tools in your arsenal.

Your COMMUNITY is your strength and survival.

With healthy, strong communities working together to become self sufficient, we start taking away real power from our corrupt government and rather than exhausted emotional responses, we have healthy, powerful people.

Pointing fingers and casting stones is easy. Try healing and building something.

Letā€™s stop focusing on this disgustingly corrupt system and their psychological warfare and start focusing on what actually keeps nations together - healthy people and strong communities.
3.1K views08:52
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2021-08-31 06:29:55
A tiny snapshot of our rally in July - our next rally is in Gympie, 18th of September.

We aren't here to tell you what rights you have in this corrupt system, because the fact is, we have none.

We're here to tell you what rights you SHOULD have in a free nation. What rights you SHOULD have as living men and women.

We are here to inspire courage in Australian's, to stand up and demand their God-given rights. To fight for a truly free nation. A nation that puts Australia and it's people first! That stands on Natural Law and Natural Justice. That PROTECTS YOUR GOD-GIVEN, FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS and works for a truly free and healthy FUTURE for all our children!

This will never happen under this corrupt and oppressive system we have been indoctrinated to believe is the only way.

This tyranny needs a new resistance.

A national resistance.

We are Australian Sovereignty Alliance.
699 views03:29
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2021-08-30 11:30:02 Screenshot from the TGA website tonight (30/08/2021) regarding the COVID19 vaccinations.

Nearly 50,000 adverse reactions reported.

462 deaths reported.

If people made as big a deal about a death from a pharmaceutical therapy still in it's trial period being pushing on children as young as 12 where the company is free from any kind of liability as they did about a bloody "case of the flu", we wouldn't have over 460 DEATHS from something they can't even call a cure!

462 DEATHS! I mean, are you kidding me right now! You want people to choose between their jobs and a trial drug that has killed hundreds of people around Australia in a matter of months!

I have nurses in my family that know exactly what is going down, but they aren't allowed to say a damn thing, because the government is blackmailing them and all health professionals around Australia. They speak up, they lose everything.

The "cure" - which isn't even a cure - is worse than the virus - that is what they want to tell you.
575 views08:30
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2021-08-29 06:41:24
Passed just a few days ago, a bill allowing the AFP to infiltrate and frustrate the efforts of the ā€œfreedom movementā€.

This is where critical thinking and evaluation of everything we see and participate in is extremely important right now.
286 views03:41
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2021-08-29 05:44:27 Are you a critical thinker?

Do you think for yourself? Because too many people today are not critically thinking, including those who profess to be part of the ā€œfreedom movementā€.

This happens because people give up responsibility (freedom/sovereignty). They have been taught not to think for themselves, to be compliant to concepts of authority or wait for someone to follow, whoever sounds good at the time.

In fact, thinking and acting for yourself has become illegal. Just like George Orwellā€™s book ā€œ1984ā€ describes.

Itā€™s snuck into our society without us even realising.

I just read somewhere ā€œdonā€™t be critical of yourself, simply love yourself and learn from your mistakesā€.


Be critical. We are at a time in history where this is absolutely essential.

The word critical has many meanings, but what it really is is to analyse and evaluate with seriousness and urgency.

So analyse your thought patterns, questions your actions and inactions. Then apply the same process to everything happening around you.

Take back your responsibility to think for yourself.

There are far too many people reacting out of desperation, anger or frustration and not acting logically. So step back and think critically, analyse, be aware. This is an art we are quickly losing in our society (intentionally orchestrated) and if we lose logic and critical thinking, we are all lost.

Many of us are thinking critically about the actions of the ā€œeliteā€, the government and health ā€œprofessionalsā€, but very few are thinking critically about the responses, reactions and ā€œleadersā€ of the ā€œfreedom movementā€.

There are so many illogical reactions and thought patterns that are being intentionally spread throughout our networks to cause division, confusion, emotional responses and to stop the people from doing the things that need to happen to order for us to take back our power as the people.

Power is responsibility.

Sovereignty is responsibility.

Freedom is responsibility.

Your responsibility is hard work. Life is struggle, it is challenges, mountains we have to climb. Everything good is on the other side of hard work.

Not drama.

Hard bloody work.

That is why people are so quick to give up responsibility. No one likes the idea of being critical and responsible. Everyone just wants to be entertained and virtue signal from the safety and comfort of their social media platforms.

What we need is more people in our communities standing shoulder to shoulder, shovels in one hand and the other stretched out to help our neighbour.

The more responsibility we all take back as the people, the more power we remove from the oppression blanketing our nation today.
212 views02:44
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2021-08-29 02:44:15
ASA has many projects going to help and encourage people to build their communities and take back their individual power, the power to feed yourselves, clothe yourselves and provide for yourselves.

We have all the skills we need in our communities to take back our rights by simply turning away from the corrupt government, but it takes hard work. Its practical, itā€™s not ā€œexcitingā€ or ā€œdramaticā€ or ā€œintellectualā€. It takes true unity of the people.

We are working on a project with a Biodynamics expert and very soon weā€™ll have our first hands on workshop to teach people how to build a garden to feed 1 that can be multiplied.

Part One of Biodynamic Gardening:

If you donā€™t know who we are, we are Australian Sovereignty Alliance:
307 views23:44
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2021-08-28 02:46:12 Winning a war means actually knowing who your real enemy is and what they want.

This war is not a vaccine war.

It is not a war of government vs itā€™s people.

It is much, much deeper, much, much more sinister and much, much more dangerous to every nation across the earth.

It has been planned from before any of us were even born.

A war of the earth.

You might roll your eyes and sarcastically say that is sounds like a movie. Well, youā€™d be right. Thatā€™s one of their propaganda tools. In fact, entertainment has been one of their greatest tools of infiltration into the minds of the worldā€™s populations.

They own Hollywood. They own the media. The own the banks. They own education institutions. Health institutions. They own governments around the world. And through that, they control the direction of humanity.

They wage wars through manipulating the minds of societies and blackmailing governments. They crush nations and people that donā€™t submit to their control.

Who are they?

They go by many names and use many secret societies, organisations and fraternities such as Freemasonry. But who they really are, right at the top... thatā€™s who you need to know about.

This war is not some basic government corruption. It is the systematic oppression of nations.

The goal is not simply communism as much as communism is the full oppression of freedom. It is a new order, a new system of evil we cannot even comprehend. That is the goal we need to know about.

Without knowing the real who and the real what, we will never win.

We might be more than they, but they control the minds of humanity in a psychological, spiritual and information war we have never seen in the history of the known world.

And itā€™s past time to break those chains and hold these people accountable.

Read our newest article, ā€œThe Real Warā€ here:
490 views23:46
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2021-08-26 12:10:17 Iā€™ve been jumping up and down trying to tell everyone that this entire thing has been hijacked to cause more division and more fracturing of Australia. Things are being orchestrated to launch us into chaos and they are succeeding! They are pitting us against each other!

Remember! This has been PLANNED for centuries! They have been studying us, programming is - this is a global, psychological WAR.

We know this! Right?

Stop expecting someone else to stand up and be the hero. YOU need to do that.

YOU need to take back your own power. Undo the programming, the indoctrination, learn about your health, heal division, reignite our Aussie mateship culture again.

Weā€™ve been trained to become self absorbed, self focused, self interested.

Look outside yourself and build back our once strong communities! Grow your own food! Start turning away from this toxic system of oppression and youā€™ll start taking away its power over you and eventually, our nation.

This is what we are doing through ASA:
711 views09:10
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2021-08-26 12:10:08
While everyone is wildly thanking the truckies for ā€œsaving themā€ without even looking into whatā€™s actually going on, the truckies are now under more stress and anxiety than ever before.

This is what I have been trying to stress.

Last night I watched a live of an older truckie nearly breaking down after being attacked by people from our supposed ā€œfreedom movementā€ having a go at him because he canā€™t afford to risk his livelihood right now. Like MANY OF US.

Iā€™ve seen a few others attacked and now this (see image) just now.
664 views09:10
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