Automatic translation of messages between websites, blogs and social networks may be carried out by means of special software. However, such function is frequently realized directly on websites’ servers. Telegram auto-posting is performed with a help of robotized accounts (bots) which are meant for making interaction between a user and the messenger easier, immediately transmitting commands to a server for carrying out one or another operation.
What is automatic publication of posts from other resources meant for?
The maintenance of any social network’s account imposes some responsibilities on its owner. If you want the number of your subscribers to permanently grow or remain unchanged, you need to constantly update the content, providing information which may excite the curiosity of visitors.
The work of a content-manager is rather laborious. Besides, the task complexity increases manifold in case if it is necessary to maintain several accounts from various social networks.
Telegram auto-posting function allows joining channels and groups with external sources. In other words, if you update information in Twitter or VKontakte, it will immediately appear in Telegram as well. What is the use of it?
Firstly, the use of automatic publication contributes to faster community promotion, as its news feed will be constantly updated with new content. Secondly, it takes much less time to publish information. In addition, it is possible to reach larger audience using one publication only.
Auto-posting from Telegram to Twitter, RSS, VK and YouTube
Let us proceed directly to one of auto-posting implementation methods within the given messenger. In order to do this, we will make use of the «@Manybot» chat botʼs services. Setup instructions for automatic translation by means of this robot look like this:
Find the «@Manybot» bot, tap on its name and start a dialogue.
In order to realize the function of automatic translation of your publications, you will be offered to create your own bot. Enter the «/addbot» command or select the «Add a new bot» option from the menu located at the bottom of a screen.
You will see the bot creation instruction in a dialogue window. You need to carry out the following actions according to this instruction:
choose a name (use any language) and a link (in English) which should end in «bot» (for example, @autoposting_bot – we will further use this name used as an example);
receive the API token (a key) from the @BotFather bot and copy it;
go back to a dialogue with the @Manybot bot and paste a key in the message input field.
If a key input procedure is successful, you will see the message notifying that your token was accepted and a bot was created and set up. Further, you will work with the newly created bot.
Create a dialogue with the @autoposting_bot. In order to do this, tap on its name.
Send the «/autoposting» command to this bot.
You will see the menu where you can choose the translation source. The following services are available: Twitter,YouTube, VK and RSS.
After choosing a service, you will be offered to place a link to your own account in it.
Make the @autoposting_bot an administrator of a channel or a group for which auto-posting is being created.
If you follow each step of this instruction, a bot will automatically update the content of a particular channel/group by means of new publications from the mentioned sources.
Easy method for auto-posting realization from VKontakte accounts and groups
There exists one more bot which allows automating publication of posts. Its name is @aPosterBot. Regardless of the fact that it is geared towards translation from VKontakte, it is more than enough for many Russian-speaking users of the given messenger. In addition, it will take you just 5 minutes to set it up. You need to follow these steps:
Find the @aPosterBot bot, tap on its name and start a dialogue with it.
In order to set up auto-posting, you will be offered to follow a link and carry out instructions.
When following a link, the page with a code (for example, /startL5D69NPu0KJaqybR) will appear. Copy this code.
Then go back to the messenger and send a message with this code to the @aPosterBot bot.
If your code is correct, you will receive a notification of successful authorization and be offered to go back to the browser’s page.
Here you will see a dialogue window where you need to:
Indicate the names of a VKontakte group and a Telegram channel in relevant input fields.
Press the «Save»
The last stage includes making the @aPosterBot bot the channel’s administrator (otherwise, a bot will not be able to send publications there).
If you want auto-posting to work correctly, you need to make your VKontakte group/page open for all Internet users. The @aPosterBot bot monitors VKontakte groups every 10 minutes and, if some new publication takes place, this bot immediately sends it to Telegram.
Automated translation methods which were mentioned above are some of the easiest and most available for each Telegram user. The most important thing is that they allows implementing the given function rather rapidly and without any code line, so you are not required to have programming skills.