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Dr Naomi R Wolf

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Doctorate in Victorian Poetry. Co-Founder/ CEO, DailyClout. Predicted this whole s—storm in The End of America - ten steps to tyranny. Proud wife of a veteran.

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2021-08-22 01:01:34 Children born during the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly lower IQ scores, most likely due to masking of mothers

A recent study has found that children born during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have significantly lower IQs. The IQ scores of children are affected by how they develop during the first 1,000 days of their lives. This is the most crucial portion of their young development.

During their first 100 days, a variety of factors help improve their development. Environmental factors, including the mental and physical health of the mothers, nutrition, stimulation and the presence of supporting caregivers. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns have made it difficult for children to grow up in environments with plenty of positive stimulation. Nurseries, playgrounds and other places where newborns can interact with the world around them were shut down.

This has made pandemic-era children score shockingly low on tests designed to assess their verbal, motor and overall cognitive development.

The sudden decrease in IQ scores is practically unheard of

The study was conducted by researchers from Brown University, headed by lead study author Sean Deoni, an associate professor of pediatrics at Brown. Deoni’s study analyzed the cognitive performances of 672 children born in Rhode Island. Of these children, 188 were born after July 2020, 308 were born before Jan. 2019 and 176 were born between Jan. 2019 and March 2020.

All children included in the study were born without developmental disabilities and were carried to full term. Most of the children included in the study were White.

In the decade before the COVID-19 pandemic, the mean IQ score on standardized tests for children between the ages of three months and three years was around 100. The children in the study had an average IQ score of 78.

“It’s not subtle by any stretch,” said Deoni. “You don’t typically see things like that, outside of major cognitive disorders.”

“The infant brain is … born with immense capacity to learn, remodel and adapt, but is sensitive and vulnerable to neglect and environmental exposures that begin even before birth,” wrote the study authors.

Deoni and the other study authors speculated that the main reason the children scored significantly worse is due to spending so much time inside with their overwhelmed parents. The increased isolation and stress that parents feel during this difficult time can have a lasting effect on the mental and cognitive progress of children.

This can be seen in their IQ scores. Children who were born before the pandemic did not present with any significantly lower verbal, non-verbal or other cognitive development scores. This suggests that the pandemic conditions are hindering children more during the earlier stages of their development.

“Parents are stressed and frazzled … that interaction the child would normally get has decreased substantially,” said Deoni. He added that the lack of positive stimulation that children are supposed to be experiencing has created significant setbacks that will be difficult for children to overcome.

Certain other factors also affected the IQ scores of the children. Those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, for example, fared worse in the tests than their more affluent peers. The authors suggest that this may be due to the presence of family or social support, which can contribute to maternal well-being. This, in turn, can affect infant temperament, behavior and cognitive development. Part 1/2. @naomirwolf
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2021-08-21 00:35:38
Vaccine & Blood Analysis Under Microscope Presented By Independent Researches, Lawyers & Doctor

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2021-08-19 17:37:03 ​​ Read the beginning of the article
Part 2/2.

“Even supertasters, as they age, have the potential to get sick – especially if exposed to a high viral load,” he explained.

Barham and his team’s study shows a possible link between sense of taste and COVID-19 susceptibility. Many survivors have reported finding the taste and smell of foods weird, which suggests that COVID-19 can distort a person’s sense of taste and smell — a condition called parosmia.

Twenty-eight-year-old Marcel Kuttab, a COVID-19 survivor, shared her story about dealing with parosmia. Months after recovering from COVID-19, Kuttab said that she found many foods had weird tastes and smells. For instance, onions, garlic and meat all tasted putrid to her, while coffee smelled like gasoline. (Related: https://t.me/naomirwolf/184)

“You can spend a lot of money in grocery stores and end up not using any of it,” she said in an interview.

Fortunately, things have improved for Kuttab since then. Smell training, which involves repetitive sniffing of potent scents, has helped with her parosmia. Kuttab said that sniffing her collection of essential oils has helped with her recovery. Now, almost all of them smell normal, which she finds encouraging.

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2021-08-19 17:36:02 BREAKING: During oral arguments in New Yorkers for Religious Liberty v. the City of New York, it was revealed that when unvaccinated teachers were fired, the NYCDOE added a “problem code” in their personnel file which would sabotage their future employment efforts.


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2021-08-18 22:42:59 ​​ Read the beginning of the article
Part 2/2.

Health experts learning more about parosmia

Before the coronavirus pandemic, parosmia did not receive a lot of attention from health experts.

“We would have a big conference, and one of the doctors might have one or two cases,” said Dr. Nancy E. Rawson, vice president and associate director at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. Monell is an internationally recognized nonprofit research group that focuses on research linked to taste and smell.

Despite the lack of attention on parosmia, health experts know enough about it to come to certain conclusions. For example, one French study blamed parosmia on upper respiratory tract infections.

Today, scientists have discovered more than 100 reasons why a person’s sense of smell might disappear or become distorted. These causes included viruses like COVID-19, as well as sinusitis, head trauma, and neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

But one thing scientists do not have is a timeline for when parosmia will disappear. Mainstream media outlet the New York Times interviewed five COVID-19 survivors who first developed parosmia in the late spring and early summer of 2020. None of them have fully regained their normal senses of smell and taste.

Clare Hopkins, the president of the British Rhinological Society and one of the first health experts to sound the alarm regarding smell loss and distortion, believes people can be optimistic despite the lack of information.

“There are daily reports of recovery from long haulers in terms of parosmia improving and patients being left with a fairly good sense of smell,” she said.

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2021-08-18 22:42:24 Senses of smell and taste of coronavirus survivors continues to be distorted months after they recover

Many Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) survivors still have not fully recovered months after the initial infection. Many are saying they still have not fully recovered their sense of smell. Many others are saying their senses of smell and taste have become radically distorted. These people are now misplacing different odors.

The condition wherein a person’s sense of smell has become distorted is known as parosmia. People who have experienced parosmia have described how scents that they used to find pleasant are now unbearable. If they try to eat food that smells different to them, it might make them feel nauseous or sick.

Some scientists already have a hypothesis for how COVID-19 might damage a person’s sense of smell, but these experts believe more research is necessary to understand the virus’s long-term impacts. More research is also required to understand the possible treatments for smell-impaired COVID-19 survivors.

A distorted sense of smell can be dangerous for people unable to smell danger

One person whose sense of smell has been distorted by the virus is Marcel Kuttab, who got infected and recovered from the coronavirus last year.

Kuttab, 28, a pharmacist from Massachusetts, first noticed something was off last year while she was brushing her teeth. Her toothbrush tasted dirty, and so she threw it out and got a new one. But then she noticed that it was her toothpaste that was the problem.

This was just the start of her olfactory troubles. Onions, garlic and meat were all putrid and coffee began smelling like gasoline.

Kuttab wanted to figure out what she could and could not eat, and so she experimented to figure out what foods her senses could tolerate. “You can spend a lot of money in grocery stores and land up not using any of it,” she said.

For Janet Marple, 54, a corporate banker from Minnesota, coffee and peanut butter smell like burning rubber or a sickly kind of sweet.

“I literally hold my breath when shampooing my hair, and laundry is a terrible experience. Even fresh-cut grass is terrible,” said Marple.

Brooke Viegut, 25, from New York City, started experiencing parosmia in May 2020. She caught COVID-19 in March of that year during a business trip to London. Like many others, she lost her sense of smell.

But before Viegut’s sense of smell returned, she started experiencing parosmia. The smell of garlic, onions and meat became unbearable for her. At one point, she even thought broccoli smelled like chemicals and many fruits tasted like soap.

Today, Viegut still has not fully recovered. But she has become more optimistic because a lot of different foods now taste as they should. “I’d say that’s progress,” she said.

But Viegut is still concerned that her distorted sense of smell might lead to her getting into an accident, especially if she is unable to detect a gas leak or a fire. This is what happened to a family in Waco, Texas, back in January. Nearly all the members of the family lost their sense of smell because of prior COVID-19 infections. They escaped, but they discovered the fire too late and it burned their house down. Part 1/2. @naomirwolf
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2021-08-18 22:42:11 Senses of smell and taste of coronavirus survivors continues to be distorted months after they recover

Many Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) survivors still have not fully recovered months after the initial infection. Many are saying they still have not fully recovered their sense of smell. Many others are saying their senses of smell and taste have become radically distorted. These people are now misplacing different odors.
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2021-08-18 01:33:32 ​​ Read the beginning of the article
Herd immunity is impossible as vaccines themselves spread the pathogen

Herd immunity involves populations being protected from certain illnesses by means of antibodies produced by majority of people through inoculation and after a bout of disease. If enough people produce antibodies to fight the disease, only a few will fall sick. The pathogen responsible for the sickness will then have less opportunity to spread and infect other people.

Herd immunity also helps protect those who cannot be vaccinated through the population’s overall immunity levels. Many countries rely on mass inoculation instead of natural means to achieve herd immunity. But clinical studies show that vaccine-induced immunity wanes over time.

A July 30 paper published in Scientific Reports claimed that people who receive the COVID-19 vaccine are responsible for the rise of vaccine-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants. The researchers used statistical modeling to determine how Wuhan coronavirus strains mutate and bypass vaccine-induced immunity. They found that three primary risk factors – a high probability of the resistant strain’s initial emergence, a high number of infected individuals and low vaccination rates – favored variants that resisted vaccines.

Study co-author Simon Rella of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) elaborated on his colleagues’ findings. He told media outlets on Aug. 6: “When most people are vaccinated, the vaccine-resistant strain has an advantage over the original strain. This means the vaccine-resistant strain spreads through the population faster at a time when most people are vaccinated.”

Fyodor Kondrashov, another study co-author, said their paper’s finding followed the concept of selective pressure – the force that drives the evolution of organisms. The ISTA researcher explained: “Generally, the more people are infected, the higher the chances for vaccine resistance to emerge. By having a situation where you vaccinate everybody, a vaccine-resistance mutant strain actually gains a selective advantage.”

“The highest risk of resistant strain establishment occurs when a large fraction of the population has already been vaccinated, but the transmission is not controlled,” the study authors wrote. They also warned that once a large fraction of the population is inoculated, “policymakers and individuals will be driven to return to pre-pandemic guidelines and conducive to a high rate of virus transmission.”

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2021-08-18 01:32:38 Medical experts: Herd immunity IMPOSSIBLE with the delta variant circulating and vaccines breeding mutant strains

A British epidemiologist claimed herd immunity through vaccination is impossible with the B16172 delta variant circulating. Dr. Andrew Pollard told British parliament members that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines did little to stop SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Given the existence of breakthrough cases where vaccinated people still caught COVID-19, Pollard said the idea of achieving herd immunity was “mythical.”

Pollard said: “I think we are in a situation here with this current delta variant, where herd immunity is not a possibility because it still infects vaccinated individuals. Anyone who’s still unvaccinated, at some point, will meet the virus … and we don’t have anything that will stop that transmission.”

The epidemiologist from the University of Oxford pointed out a stark difference between the B16172 delta variant and the measles virus. “If 95 percent of the people were vaccinated against measles, the virus cannot transmit in the population,” Pollard told the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Aug. 10.

Pollard furthermore warned that new variants that can be more transmissible among the vaccinated may emerge. He said: “I suspect that what the virus will throw up next is a variant that is perhaps even better at transmitting among the vaccinated populations. That’s even more of a reason not to be making a vaccine program around herd immunity.”

Cardiff University School of Medicine‘s Dr. Andrew Freedman later expressed agreement with Pollard’s remarks on herd immunity. He concurred with the Oxford epidemiologist’s assessment that herd immunity was unlikely. He told CNBC on Aug. 12: “The delta variant is highly transmissible, meaning that the proportion of people needing to be fully vaccinated for herd immunity is probably not achievable.”

Freedman acknowledged the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines against severe disease, hospitalization and death. However, he noted that they are “less effective in preventing infection, mild disease and viral transmission” arising from the B16172 delta variant. Part 1/2. @naomirwolf
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2021-08-18 01:22:16
The 8 covid lies.
Mike Yeadeon


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