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Pork ham baked in soy glaze ⠀ Ingredients: One piece pork h | Ratatouille

Pork ham baked in soy glaze


One piece pork ham - 1.5 kg
Soy sauce - 150 ml
Honey - 3 tbsp.
Rice or white wine vinegar - 1 tbsp.
Salt - to taste
Freshly ground black pepper - to taste


1. Rub the ham with salt and pepper on all sides, cover with clingfilm and let stand until everything else is cooked.
2. Combine the soy sauce and honey in a heavy-based saucepan and add the vinegar. Place over medium heat, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and boil it down to 2/3.
3. Preheat the oven to 150°C. Put the ham in a casserole dish and glaze all sides.
4. Put it in the center of the oven and bake for 1,5-2 hours, glazing every 15-20 minutes. The meat should be very soft.