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ВЫЙТИ БОКОМ Literal definition: to get out sideways Meanin | Russian slang


Literal definition: to get out sideways

Meaning: about something that may end up in a bad way. According to D. N. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language the word "боком" means "sideways, not straight" and that goes back to ancient concepts of the correctness of events. The ones described as "прямые" were considered right and proper. Respectively, the word "боком", was its opposite. According to other sources, the idiom came from the medical environment and refers to the incorrect position of the fetus before birth, which in most cases led to tragic results.

Usage example:
Твоя доброта тебе же боком и выйдет!
Your kindness will backfire!

плохо кончилось
обернуться против кого-то
(что-то) идет не так
идет кувырком/наперекосяк
идет через жопу (rude)

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