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НЕ ПОДКОПАЕШЬСЯ Literal definition: won’t undermine Meanin | Russian slang


Literal definition: won’t undermine

Meaning: used in the meaning of "nothing to pick on" (even if you really want to). The expression comes in handy when one of the parties involved is absolutely right about something, whether it's an issue to be solved, a thesis to prove or a difficult situation. There are no possible arguments to either taunt the opponent, or demonstrate a contrary point of view. The idiom is related to combat operations: an enemy who cannot undermine a bastion under siege is forced to attack directly or retreat. It is impossible for him to act quietly against a well-protected enemy.

Usage example:
С юридической точки к сделке не подкопаешься, все чисто.
From a legal point of view, you can't touch the deal, everything is right.

крыть нечем
выше всяких похвал
комар носа не подточит
не придерешься
вне конкуренции

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