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•Eating Disorders ( Trigger Warning- Mention of eating disorde | The Sun & Her Flowers

Eating Disorders
( Trigger Warning- Mention of eating disorders, suicide, depression, self-harm)

Let's start from extreme cases. Reminder-( this is not enough information to self-diagnose, you have to consult a professional. I am only trying to create awareness on the issue.

Eating disorders affect people of all races, color, ethnicity, age, and gender although they are more common in young people, especially females. This, though, doesn't mean that men aren't affected by them!

As I did some research, I found so many eating disorders and I had to select the ones most relevant to what I wish to talk about today.

1. Anorexia Nervosa (most commonly known as Anorexia)
-People who have anorexia have an irrational fear of gaining weight. You could call it an addiction to losing weight and consuming less calories. They feel as if they are excessively obese even though they could be slim or even underweight. Their minds are critics to the point where they look in the mirror and believe they are fat even if their bones are clearly visible. To deal with this self-image, they eat little to nothing and feel the constant need to weigh themselves. Weight loss could sound good for some but the fat in our bodies is there to serve a purpose of its own. Furthermore, the food we eat is used for everything in life like thinking, physical functions, blood circulation, and survival in general. Malnutrition or undernourishment can end up giving us VERY severe and irreversible diseases and even cause death. Anorexic people could be aware of these, but still starve themselves because of the very compelling urge to lose weight.

*Anorexia can be identified amongst people around us by symptoms like- severe weight loss, avoiding or lying about eating food, inducing vomiting, weakness and fatigue, lower mood or depression, low self-esteem, self harm, etc. It is not easy to isolate anorexia from these vague symptoms but if you see them on your friends, siblings, etc, you might need to have a talk about it. They are harming themselves and that could make you emotional but try to stay calm and work on it with them.
