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The latest Messages 8

2022-06-09 19:18:00 Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Enter the name of an animal, bird or plant to see a map of where it has been spotted.
Useful for fact-checking (e.g., verifying geographical coordinates in the metadata of photos with animals).

by Cyber_detective
372 views16:18
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2022-06-09 14:13:00
Week in OSINT #2022- 20 - sector035 - Imagus
Chrome extension
Firefox add-on

Jess shared a tip on an extension that I hadn't heard of yet. The extension 'Imagus' automatically shows the larger image of a thumbnail, when hovering over it. It also has a lot of configuration options, like after how much time the larger images appear, custom CSS, showing of image captions and more. It exists for both Chrome and Firefox and comes in handy since it doesn't require someone diving into source code to try and find a larger image.
361 views11:13
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2022-06-09 09:08:01
Week in OSINT #2022- 20 - sector035 - Spoonbill

I know this is a golden oldie, but since I've never covered it in my newsletter, and was reminded about it, I think it's time to share this one. Spoonbill gives you the ability to track the changes made by a Twitter account. Not all usernames are being tracked, but you can start tracking by connecting a Twitter account and subscribing to changes. To check whether an account is already in their database, simply go to:{USERNAME}

421 views06:08
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2022-06-08 19:18:01 The Wide-Ranging Uses of OSINT in Military Intelligence

As its name suggests, open-source intelligence has its roots in interstate reconnaissance. Emerging during WWII, OSINT techniques were initially adopted for military intelligence by the US Office of Strategic Services (OSS) – now the CIA – in an attempt to discern enemy strategies and objectives through the detailed study of newspapers, magazines, radio broadcasts, photos and other media.

Of course the world has undergone significant developments since then. The flood of open data accompanying the colossal rise of social media has resulted in OSINT taking on a broader meaning. While open-source intelligence techniques are now indispensable across a range of sectors from cyber and corporate security to law enforcement, its reconnaissance uses are still very much in play, and more pervasive than ever.

Intelligence officers have stated that the vast majority of valuable intelligence comes from open sources, suggesting that the role of open-source intelligence in the field is truly significant. So, in this article we’ll discuss why OSINT in military intelligence is becoming so important and how it is being used.
214 views16:18
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2022-06-08 14:13:01 Week in OSINT #2022- 20 - sector035 - Analytical Process and Bias

On May 26 SANS will have a live stream with David Carver, where they'll talk about analytical processes and analytical bias within the field of OSINT. Within the 'intelligence cycle' the whole process of planning, collecting, processing, analysing, and disseminating publicly available information is extremely important. But it's just as important to not have any prejudice for any specific piece of information, and only look at the data that is collected, and value the weight of each item. An important topic, so do join Nico, John and David on this free live stream.
290 views11:13
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2022-06-08 09:08:01
Week in OSINT #2022- 20 - sector035 - Twitter Search Subscriptions

Dylan Roussel shared an upcoming feature on Twitter last week. It seems that they're testing a new option where you're able to turn on notifications on new tweets within a search query. It's unknown yet when it'll be live, and so far it's only visible to Alpha testers of the Twitter app. Let's just hope the testing goes fast, and that soon we're all able to use this feature!
319 views06:08
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2022-06-07 19:18:19 Manipolazione e social media:
il caso di studio del dibattito sull'immigrazione
Prof. Giancarlo Ruffo (Università di Torino)

Mercoledì 8 giugno 2022 ore 18.00
(termine: ore 20.00)

Diffusione di fake-news, polarizzazione delle opinioni, camere d'eco, linguaggio d'odio, manipolazione del dibattito online da parte di bot e troll: queste ed altre sembrano essere oggi le minacce più importanti per chi frequenta e gestisce le piattaforme di social media, con inevitabili rimandi alla tenuta della nostra democrazia, l'importanza della libertà di espressione, i modelli di business dei soggetti privati che ruotano intorno a questo mondo. Se è vero che alcuni di questi fenomeni sono sempre esistiti, appare evidente che le comunità online sembrano fornire nuovi elementi al dibattito scientifico e culturale relativo ai suddetti problemi ed alle loro eventuali soluzioni.

Scopo del presente seminario è di presentare alcuni di questi aspetti anche grazie ad un caso di studio che abbiamo recentemente affrontato con il nostro gruppo di ricerca: il dibattito sull'immigrazione che si è sviluppato su Twitter tra agosto del 2018 e agosto del 2019. Dalla nostra analisi è stato possibile evincere che la discussione in oggetto si sviluppa principalmente all'interno di gruppi abbastanza impermeabili alla comunicazione con soggetti che sembrano avere una posizione politica diversa dalla loro; anche le notizie pubblicate su testate giornalistiche eterogenee seguono dinamiche di diffusione molto legate alla presenza di questi gruppi e che solo pochi articoli si diffondono indipendentemente dall'orientamento politico che i proprietari degli account social sembrano manifestare. Inoltre, buona parte del dibattito viene alimentato ed in alcuni casi esacerbato da social bot (o account i cui comportamenti sembrano essere controllati da programmi automatici). Queste osservazioni si uniscono ad altre effettuate da molti altri ricercatori su tematiche normalmente polarizzanti e pongono alcuni spunti di riflessione sul futuro delle piattaforme social.
388 views16:18
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2022-06-07 14:13:00
Week in OSINT #2022- 20 - sector035 - Twitter Investigations
Tweet with links
Ritu Gill shares small list of useful resources on Twitter, and this time it's all about Twitter. These are some very useful, and free, resources to investigate Twitter accounts. Some require you to connect with a Twitter account, but a lot don't. Tools like this can offer you insight into the times an account tweets, what hashtags and words are most common, who they interact with mostly and other analytics that can give a deeper insight into an account. Thanks for sharing!
422 views11:13
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2022-06-06 19:18:00 SOXOJ
If you are interested in developing #osint tools (or #osint in general), I recommend you to subscribe to
212 views16:18
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2022-06-06 14:13:00
Week in OSINT #2022- 20 - sector035 - Journalist's Toolbox


The journalist's toolbox is a huge collection of links on all kinds of topics, from agriculture to wildfires, and from ethics to verification. It also has some very specific topics like school violence and homeless people. And besides the enormous links to resources, they also have a YouTube channel with interesting videos. Thank you for collecting and sharing all these links Mike Reilley!
306 views11:13
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