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СВЯТО МЕСТО ПУСТО НЕ БЫВАЕТ Literal definition: a holy plac | Russian slang


Literal definition: a holy place is never empty

Meaning: any void or vacancy left after something or someone is prone to be instantly replenished. It is believed that the proverb relates to Russian church traditions. The altar has always been perceived as a holy place and people believed that it should be vested with special material for all the time in order not to lose its sanctity. Later on the phrase has become widespread and gained its modern meaning.

Usage example:
В больших городах свято место пусто не бывает и свободную от хозяев жилплощадь всегда найдётся кому занять.
In big cities "nature abhors a vacuum" and there will always be someone to occupy the living space abandoned by the others.

незаменимых (людей) нет
природа не терпит пустоты

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