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НА ПУСТОМ МЕСТЕ Literal definition: on/in an empty place | Russian slang


Literal definition: on/in an empty place

Meaning: used in its literal form: a place where there is nothing. The phrase can also be used in a figurative meaning, referring to a non-significant person, someone incompetent. Likewise, it can denote events that take place without any reason. The expression can be used with the particle "не" and gain the opposite meaning.

Usage example:
Скандал разгорелся буквально на пустом месте: слово за слово и они почти готовы вцепиться друг другу в глотки.
The scandal broke out of nothing: word by word and they were almost ready to grab each other's throats.

Этот план возник не на пустом месте: мы провели необходимые исследования и действительно готовы приступить к работе.
This plan did not come out of nowhere: we have carried out the necessary research and are indeed ready to get down to work.

на ровном месте
из ничего

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