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СКАТЕРТЬЮ ДОРОЖКА Literal definition: the road like a tablec | Russian slang


Literal definition: the road like a tablecloth

Meaning: an ironic farewell phrase. It is used to express that the person's departure will not cause the slightest distress to those who remain. Formerly, the exclamation was used as a good luck wish before a long and challenging journey. This initial meaning of the idiom can be found in Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. At the same time, the glossary mentions that in the modern language the expression has the opposite meaning: "An expression of indifference to someone's departure, as well as a desire to leave, wherever one wishes to go." A perfect example of how well-established etiquette forms can be ironically reinterpreted by the common language!

Usage example:
Тебе здесь не нравится? Отлично! Собирай вещички и проваливай! Скатертью дорога!
Don't you like it here? Great! Pack your things and get out! Good riddance!

Баба с возу — кобыле легче
Вот Бог, а вот порог

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