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ДАВАТЬ НА ЛАПУ Literal definition: to give on the paw Mean | Russian slang


Literal definition: to give on the paw

Meaning: to bribe another person with money, favours or material goods of any kind. The expression is a derivation of the French: "Graisser la patte a qn", which literally means "to grease a paw". The fact is that in the Middle Ages the church in France collected a high tax from pork traders. In order to avoid paying money, the merchants put a piece of lard in the tax collector's hand as a bribe.

Usage example:
Говорят, если дать на лапу нужным людям, то все документы можно оформить буквально за полчаса.
They say that if you grease the palms of the right people, you can have all the documents drawn up in about half an hour.

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