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УШИ ВЯНУТ Literal definition: the ears wither Meaning: abo | Russian slang


Literal definition: the ears wither

Meaning: about something that it is very unpleasant, almost impossible to listen to. The exact origin of the phraseology is undetermined, even though the phrase has a rather long history. For example, it was used by A. P. Chekhov in his story "Pink Stocking". A.N. Ostrovsky also adopted it in his play titled "A Profitable Place". The usage of the expression is appropriate regarding both: unpleasant sounds (for example: the sound of music) and to describe the feelings associated with listening to completely unacceptable or silly statements made by someone.

Usage example:
Сил больше нет слушать всю эту чушь - уши вянут. Что за пургу ты несешь?
I can't bear listening to all this nonsense - listening to you makes me sick. What kind of a crap are you talking about?

уши/ухо режет
противно слушать
с души воротит (слушать)
уши в трубочку сворачиваются

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