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Russian slang

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Logo of telegram channel russian_slang — Russian slang
Channel address: @russian_slang
Categories: Languages
Language: English
Subscribers: 568
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Here you will learn about the Russian language that no teacher will tell you. The most selected idioms of the Russian language that will help you speak as a native speaker. Caution! Obscene language is used! 18

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2021-05-03 12:19:54 60+ RUSSIAN IDIOMS (NOT) ABOUT WEATHER (Part 1)

There are lots of idioms about the weather in Russian. I’ve tried to prepare a list that is as complete as it can be and includes English counterparts where possible. Enjoy, expand your vocabulary and don't forget to share with your friends!

Idioms with the word «погода»:
1. Делать/определять погоду - to be crucial in some matters (to make the weather)
2. Ждать с моря погоды - to wait idly for the situation to change (to wait for something to happen)
3. Погода шепчет - about a good, sunny weather

Idioms with the word «ветер»:
4. Быстрее ветра - to move or do something very fast (to run like the wind)
5. Ищи ветра в поле - about something difficult to find (you can't catch the wind in a net)
6. Как ветром сдуло - a phrase used to emphasize that something has disappeared (vanished into thin air)
7. Ветер в голове - about a frivolous, careless person (scatterbrain)
8. Бросать слова на ветер - to speak in vain, thoughtlessly and irresponsibly (to waste the words)
9. Держать нос по ветру - to stay out of trouble (to keep the nose clean)
10. (Желать) попутного ветра - to wish someone good luck (fair winds and following seas)
11. Знать, откуда ветер дует - to know the cause, the source of something (to see/know which way the wind is blowing)
12. Пустить по ветру/выкинуть на ветер - to thoughtlessly lose something (to throw away/to waste)
13. Ветер в карманах (гуляет) - a total lack of money (to be flat broke)
14. Ветер в ушах свистит - about moving fast (the wind whistles in the ears)
15. Ветром шатает/качает - about a person that is unable to walk steadily or is hardly able to stand still because of the weakness, old age, being drunk etc. (a good breeze could knock/blow him over)
16. Один как ветер в поле - alone, all by oneself, unaccompanied
17. Ветром надуло - about an unintended pregnancy, often accompanied by the absence of an alleged father (to get knocked up)

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2021-05-02 11:22:24 СПОКОЕН КАК ТАНК

Значение: так говорят об очень спокойном, сдержанном и неэмоциональном состоянии человека. Происхождение этого выражения точно установить не удалось. Возможно оно является слиянием фраз "спокоен как удав" и "прет как танк". В любом случае представить что-то более спокойное, чем методично подминающий все под себя танк, действительно сложно. Интересно, что эту фразу использовали для перевода названия фильма «Cool as Ice» режиссёра Дэвида Келлогга, выпущенного в 1991 году.

During the fire the store owner was as cool as a cucumber and acted as calmly and efficiently as possible.
Во время пожара владелец магазина был спокоен как танк и действовал максимально уравновешенно и эффективно.

спокоен как удав
невозмутим, как стенка
глазом не моргнет
бровью не ведет

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2021-05-02 11:22:23

Literal definition: calm as a tank

Meaning: about a person that remains calm, self-controlled, does not become nervous or emotional. The origin of this expression cannot be precisely defined. Perhaps it is a combination of two other phrases - "спокоен как удав" and "прет как танк". In any case, it is really difficult to imagine something more firm and unstoppable than a tank methodically crushing everything that stands on its way. Interestingly, this idiom has been used as a translation for the phrase "Cool as Ice" - the title of a movie directed by David Kellogg, released in 1991.

Usage example:
During the fire the store owner was as cool as a cucumber and acted as calmly and efficiently as possible.
Во время пожара владелец магазина был спокоен как танк и действовал максимально уравновешенно и эффективно.

спокоен как удав
невозмутим, как стенка
глазом не моргнет
бровью не ведет

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2021-05-01 13:01:39 LABOR DAY IN RUSSIA

Today in Russia, as well as in many other countries around the world, the Labor Day is being celebrated. Since 1917 it has changed its name several times. It is often referred as: “Первомай”, “May the 1st” or “Праздник весны и труда” (Spring and Labor Day). The official name is “International Workers’ Solidarity Day”, or “День международной солидарности трудящихся” (the literal translation of this Russian phrase is: “the day of international solidarity of workers”).

The 1st of May became the International Labor Day after the tragedy at Haymarket Square in Chicago, Illinois, USA. In early May 1886 demonstrations were held there (as well as in other cities) demanding an eight-hour working day. It might seem a no-brainer today, but in the late 19th century many tycoons did not consider that workers had the right to sleep.

In Russia, the tradition of celebrating the May 1 started when the revolutionaries came to power in 1917. At first it was a military day of solidarity during which socialist Moscow used to call the workers of the world to unite and revolt against capitalism. In all the countries of the former USSR official parades, street demonstrations and marches were organized. People carried banners with such slogans as: “Мир! Труд! Май!” (“Peace, Labor, May!”). Over the time the holiday has lost the political meaning.

Nowadays many Russians use this national holiday simply to have a rest. Some may leave big cities for their country homes (so-called “dachas”) to relax in the garden or spend time with their families. It is also common for them to organize picnics or barbecues.

Even though Spring and Labor Day lost its socialist meaning after the fall of the Soviet Union, some political parties and labor unions still organize demonstrations in which their members or activists participate.
176 viewsedited  10:01
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2021-04-30 10:45:18 БРАТЬ ЗА ЖАБРЫ

Значение: оказать давление, заставить подчиниться, лишить свободы действий и выбора. Фраза, очевидно, взята из речи рыбаков: рыба, взятая с брюшной стороны за жабры, путем насаживания на большой и указательный пальцы, просунутые под жаберные крышки, не имеет возможности сопротивляться.

He told everything when they put the screws on him.
Когда они взяли его за жабры, он все рассказал.

взять за горло
перекрыть кислород
брать за хобот
взять за яйца/жопу (rude!)

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2021-04-30 10:45:17

Literal definition: to take by the gills

Meaning: to put pressure on someone, force to perform certain actions by depriving him of the freedom of choice. Obviously, this phrase comes from the speech of fishermen: a fish grabbed from the ventral side by the gills (by impaling the thumb and index finger under the gill covers) does not have the ability to resist.

Usage example:
He told everything when they put the screws on him.
Когда они взяли его за жабры, он все рассказал.

взять за горло
перекрыть кислород
брать за хобот
взять за яйца/жопу (rude!)

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2021-04-29 10:53:51 БЫТЬ НА ИЗМЕНЕ

Значение: пребывать в состоянии растерянности, страха, неудовольствия, дискомфорта, беспокойства. Первоначально жаргонизм использовался в воровском арго, постепенно его переняли наркоманы, а уже оттуда оно попало в нейтральную подростковую среду.

Я весь день сегодня на измене, скорей бы узнать результаты экзамена!
I've been on pins and needles all day round, I'd like to know the results of the exam as soon as possible!

как на иголках
(быть) на взводе
кошки на душе (скребут)
не находить места
подпрыгивать (как уж/рыба на сковородке)

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113 views07:53
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2021-04-29 10:53:51

Literal definition: to be on a treason

Meaning: to remain in a state of confusion or anxiety, to feel uncomfortable, to be dissatisfied with something. Initially this expression was used in thieves’ slang. Later on it was gradually adopted by drug addicts, and from there it has been transferred into a neutral teenage environment.

Usage example:
Я весь день сегодня на измене, скорей бы узнать результаты экзамена!
I've been on pins and needles all day round, I'd like to know the results of the exam as soon as possible!

как на иголках
(быть) на взводе
кошки на душе (скребут)
не находить места
подпрыгивать (как уж/рыба на сковородке)

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2021-04-28 11:45:09 ДОХЛЫЙ НОМЕР

Значение: безнадежное, заведомо бесперспективное дело. Существует две версии проникновения этого фразеологизма в повседневную речь. Согласно первой версии фразеологизм пришел прямиком со сцены: номером называют выступление в цирке, либо на сцене. Если номер концертной программы устарел и зрителям не интересен, либо его не удается провести (например, в связи с его сложностью или опасностью) его называли дохлым. Вторая версия гласит, что так называли гостиничные номера, где кто-то умер и куда никто не хотел заселяться.

Раньше я пытался заставить его делать какие-то упражнения, но потом понял, что это долхлый номер.
Some time ago I urged him to do some exercise, but later on I realised it was a lost cause.

номер не пройдет
не катит
не канает
гиблое дело
(ни фига/ни хрена) не выйдет

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2021-04-28 11:44:54

Literal definition: dead number

Meaning: a task doomed to failure, without a slight chance to succeed. There are two ways in which this phrase could have been incorporated into common speech. The first one regards the stage: the word "номер" is a name for a performance in a circus or theater - if a part of the concert’s program was outdated and considered not interesting for the audience or it could not be performed (for ex. due to its complexity or hazardous nature), it was called "дохлый". The other mentions the name of the hotel rooms in which someone has died and where nobody wanted to move in.

Usage example:
Раньше я пытался заставить его делать какие-то упражнения, но потом понял, что это долхлый номер.
Some time ago I urged him to do some exercise, but later on I realised it was a lost cause.

номер не пройдет
не катит
не канает
гиблое дело
(ни фига/ни хрена) не выйдет

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